How to Safely Remove Mercury from Your Body

Dedicated to Educating the Public about the Health Hazards
of Amalgam Filling, Chronic Mercury Poisoning, Mercury
Detoxification and the Relationship of Oral to Overall Health!

How to Safely Remove Mercury from the Body: The Role of the Health Professional


Chronic Mercury Poisoning: How to Remove Mercury from the Body

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Chronic mercury poisoning from amalgam fillings is hazardous to overall health. I believe every health professional should evaluate their patients for mercury poisoning. In my opinion, no health professional can effectively treat their patients for any medical/health condition until they take the necessary steps to eliminate the source of mercury and initiate a mercury detoxificatin program. To not include the possible effects of chronic mercury poisoning when diagnosing a patient would seriously compromise the outcome of any treatment provided. 

The most effective way to fully understand the effect of chronic mercury poisoning on overall health is to read The Poison in Your Teeth: Mercury Amalgam (Silver) Fillings . . . Hazardous to Your Health! (Available April, 2008) and Mercury Detoxification: The Natural Way to Remove Mercury From Your Body. I also suggest you Browse the Books on this website and take time to visit my oral health website:, especially the section for the Health Professional. I'm confident that the books and websites will provide you with the background information you will need to adequately address this critical health issues with your patients. Simply, Overall Health Must Include Oral Health and no one can be truly healthy as long as they have mercury amalgam fillings!

Once you appreciate the importance of taking mercury amalgam fillings and gum/periodontal disease into consideration when diagnosing and treating your patients, I believe you will understand the value and importance of supporting your patients’ efforts to safely remove mercury from their bodies. You will learn why your patients cannot be healthy without good oral health and how participating in our Mercury Detoxification Program will improve the health of every patient who has, or has had, mercury amalgam fillings. Mercury Detoxification shows you how to easily customize my Program so it can be seamlessly added to your practice.  


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